Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekly Update-

So this is supposed to be the ending of a era right? I mean my parents moved yesterday- I'm in college, and Cherie just got married. But for some reason I keep wanting to go back. I mean I miss everyone and everything about home. I mean don't get me wrong I love my life here. But it's like I'm constantly supposed to be this bubbly social person, and at times that's good and all but at other times I'm just so exhausted and I don't want to try. I just want to go home, but that's just it- my parents moved, so I can't go home. The home I know is gone. And I haven't talked to anyone in my family since like 3 days ago because my stupid cell phone is out of minutes. Man I could write a book about his couldn't I? ha ha, I probably will.
And another thing-men are weird. I mean really.
Jeesh- you know how annoying it is to like someone and not have you like them back? Well imagine them liking you as a friend and because they don't want to ruin the nice little conversations you have going - they never say anything. And so then when you've decided your going to give up on him and put yourself out there again- he goes and pulls something like "I want you to meet my parents"....I'm so utterly confused I don't know what to do. And I don't even really know if we'd work together either. Because I want a man. I mean a man who will stand up to my dad if he doesn't approve. A man that would die for Christ and me, and a man who makes me laugh so hard I think I might die. I mean is that so hard? A guy who can be serious and funny? Is that asking too much to have someone open up to me? I mean I really can probably understand any situation you throw in my direction. I can see where you're coming from and I can help you- you just have to let me love you. I mean isn't that what God asks of us everyday when we need to make a decision? To love him- to just let us be loved by him?
Man out off all the things this week at least I got to see a baptism today- yup that's right everyone we have a new sister in Christ! AMEN!
Oh and your probably wondering what type of a week I've had eh? Well it was all going pretty well- wrote 2 papers, and took some quizzes, did my homework, and now I'm supposed to be studying. And so when I went to go paint the set for the Play the Ugly Duckling this Saturday, it was not a big deal because I had done so many other hard things this week right? Well...I fell and landed on the chair I was conveniently using as a stepping stool to paint a castle tower...and totally bruised the inside of my leg..which is conveniently located right next to my butt. So whenever I sit...ouch. Yeah- I don't think I'll ever forget this bruise. ha ha. I was surfing the web last night just trying to find something to tell me how to treat it- cold compress and rest...yup did em. So why does it still hurt? Because it's a muscle bruise- which means it wont heal for up to a month. OH JOY!
Well that's the update of my week- I'm sure whoever reads this will get a kick out of it but..yeah this is me and my life-get used to it :D

~Mandi Jo.

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