Friday, August 31, 2007

My Song...Well not really

So yeah this is a song by Boston, and its called "Amanda" funny huh? But I really do love this song and wish that someday someone might sing it to me. Even though I feel completely see through today...hmmm...whatever happend to I AM ME! yeah...that kinda faded in time and now that I'm back in school, I have so many things to do before December...I'm so stressed. I know a boyfriend is the last thing I need right now...but I'm lonely...who wouldn't be its been like 11 months....
I did talk to him last night though and I know its over.
And I am so glad!
But not about the alone part..yeah that sucks.
love ya'll


Babe, tomorrow's so far away.
There's somethin' I just have to say.
I don't think I could hide
What I'm feelin' inside
Another day.
Knowin' I love you.
And I -- I'm getting' too close again.
I don't wanna see it end.
If I tell you tonight
Will you turn out the light.
And walk awayKnowin' I love you?

I'm gonna take you by surprise
And make you realize.
Amanda I'm gonna tell you right away
I can't wait another day.
Amanda I'm gonna say it like a man
And make you understand,
AmandaI love you.

And, I feel like today's the day.
I'm lookin' for the words to say.
Do you wanna be free,Are you ready for me
To feel this way?I don't wanna lose ya.
So it may be too soon I know.
The feelin' takes so long to grow.
If I tell you today
Will you turn me away
And let me go?I don't wanna lose you.

I'm gonna take you by surprise
And make you realize.
Amanda I'm gonna tell you right away
I can't wait another day.
Amanda I'm gonna say it like a man
And make you understand,
AmandaI love you.

You and I -- I know that we can't wait.
And I swear -- I swear it's not a lie girl,
Tomorrow may be too late.
You -- you and I girl -- we can share a life together.
It's now or never And tomorrow may be too late.
And, feelin' the way I do,
I don't wanna wait my whole life through
To say
I'm in love with you

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well its a beginning of a new school year and you all know what that means...homework(duh). But not exactly the answer I was looking I have a computer! well sorta its the schools and I cant be on it longer than 30 min but still I get internet for awhile! Man what am I gonna do when I graduate??? lol.

Anyways just wanted to update with some old pics of Everwood. Man do I miss that show.
So I guess thats it untill next time! Adios!

song of the week:
"A Little More You" by: Little Big Town